What season is it? No, not winter. It’s Girl Scout Cookie season! And along with that comes the challenge of how to organize Girl Scout cookies.

You’ll love this article as a Cookie Mom. Do you need to organize your daughter’s cookies once they’re home? Check out this article sharing Girl Scout delivery tips and tricks to help you on that front.

Image shows boxes of girl scout cookies.

So first, the good news. Neither Little Brownie Bakers nor ABC Bakers introduced a new cookie this year. Girl Scouts has announced that this is the last season of both Toast-Yay! (ABC Bakers) and S’mores (Little Brownie Bakers version, as ABC Bakers already discontinued it).

You may want to encourage the Girl Scouts to push those two flavors for customers who purchase them. Many like to stock up on their favorites before they are no longer available, and this can help increase their cookie total, as well.

While you don’t need to learn a new cookie this year, you still want to get and stay organized so you know exactly who gets what cookies.

If you’re like me, you volunteered to be Cookie Mom, and now you entered the initial orders, you get to pick up the cookies. You suddenly realized that this can be a little daunting.

Wait, forget the selling, figuring out how to organize Girl Scout cookies is the real challenge! On the plus side, the organization doesn’t have to be that complicated.

Getting yourself prepped before the cookies come and ensuring you have adequate space makes the process much easier. It also prevents the panic of trying to figure out where that missing box of cookies went or why you have extras.

I picked up the cookies from my daughter’s troop today – two SUV loads – this morning and within an hour and a half, I had them back to my house and sorted into boxes sold by girl, donated boxes that we drop at the local food pantry, and boxes we have reserved for our cookie booths.

Need help with your cookie booth strategy? I’ve got you covered with my cookie booth tips and printables, too.

The boxes my daughter sold? Those she sorts when she gets home from school (because this is HER project, not mine), but the same philosophy holds when you need to figure out how to organize Girl Scout cookies for the troop or for your daughter.

When she gets ready to deliver, I use this free thank you printable to organize them and encourage customers to buy more cookies when they run out.

Cookie Moms: How To Organize Girl Scout Cookies (2025)

Before you get your cookies:

Updated for 2025 cookies: I created a how to organize Girl Scout Cookies free printable for cookie moms years ago that works beautifully whether you’re the only one sorting the cookies as they come into your home or whether you have someone helping you.

Print this out and fill out the sales for each girl as your first step. Cut the full sheet into the squares for each girl and write in each girl’s name and the total cookies sold from your online system.

Do this before you have any cookies in your possession. Download this version for Little Brownie Bakers cookies, and download this version for ABC Bakers cookies.

As a heads up, the file names say 2022, but the cookies from 2022 and 2025 are identical, so it is the correct file.

Do you know the cookie options and what they’re like? If you’re new to being a cookie mom, make sure you read the Girl Scout cookie flavors article.

Image shows free printable Girl Scouts cookie organizer for cookie moms.

Make picking up your cookies easier

When you pick up the cookies, we write our troop numbers on a slip of paper and place that on our windshield to ensure the right troop gets the right cookies. This is easy enough to do on a piece of scratch paper with a marker.

I also note how many total cases we should receive by type of cookie. That way, I don’t have to print out another piece of paper to track, and I know exactly what we should be getting.

Yes, one year, we did have a discrepancy and only because I had my own tally did we straighten it out quickly. Once you leave the pickup spot, you generally don’t have recourse for any missing boxes.

Image shows guide to make delivery of cookies simple.

Easily sort your troop’s cookies

Once you get home, sort the boxes by type of cookie. Ensure you have plenty of space both for the cases that you have to start and to space organize the boxes by girl.

Place all the Thin Mints together, all the Tagalongs together, etc. I find it easiest to do this with the cases in a line in the order they come on the order form – Adventurefuls first, then Trefoils, etc., which makes it easy for me to take boxes as I go and not accidentally miss a type of cookie for a girl.

Take the slips of paper you wrote out for each girl and pick the cookies one girl at a time. If I’m not sure I’ll have enough space, I will tape the paper to my wall.

That ensures I have enough space for each girl’s boxes. I then refer to the slip to quickly see exactly how many cookies I need for each girl without worrying that I am reading off a row and giving the wrong number of cookies.

Image shows order name and the list of the cookie flavors ordered.

Once I have all the cookies sorted by girl, I send an email to the troop letting them know the cookies are ready. I give them a deadline to arrange pick up because too often without a deadline, they sat in my garage for way too long.

And yes, I make the girls come to me to get their cookies. I have them sorted and organized, and with all the work I do, so it’s not unreasonable to ask them to make the quick trip over to get their cookies.

I keep the stacks of cases for each girl organized by the girls’ first names. This lets me quickly and easily pass along the cookies when they and their moms come to pick them up.

With so many girls in our troop, this is one of those sneaky tips when you think about how to organize Girl Scout cookies. I do a quick review of the cookies with each girl as they pick them up so we’re all in agreement and don’t have issues later.

Image shows cookie organization tips.

It’s time to deliver – what are your tips on how to organize Girl Scout cookies?

Need to organize your daughter’s cookies? Check out these ideas, including a free thank you printable to go with your cookie orders!

Next up? Check out how to get your booth sales running smoothly and increase sales.

Image shows easy and quick tips on how to organize girl scout cookies.

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  1. THANK YOU so much for this resource! It’s my first year as a cookie mom & needed the help.

    I’ll let you know how it goes after I pick up their first order on Saturday.

  2. I saw that there was an app for troops to use to have parents sign up for booths. Do you know what app that is? Thank you

  3. In 2020, Little Brownie Bakers doesn’t have the Savannah Smiles, we now sell a lemon cookie called Lemon Ups. Savannah Smiles are no longer!

    1. You are absolutely right! I was too early updating this year, and they showed “this year’s” cookies still with last year’s. And then I took the last two weeks off to spend with my kids, but everything is updated now with the new cookie for Little Brownie Bakers (ABC Bakers truly updated nothing). Thank you for the reminder to update again!

  4. Hi,
    Little Brownie does have a different cookie line up. They either just renamed or have a new cookie in place of Savannah Smiles, they’re called Lemon-Ups. thanks for all your strategies.

    1. Yes! They do, thank you. I was on top of it this year, and when I updated the post, they still showed Savannah Smiles as their lemon cookie (this was mid November!) and when my daughter’s forms came home, I didn’t put two and two together to update the printables again. They are now updated with the Lemon Ups for Little Brownie Bakers. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. i love these ideas. This is my 2nd year being cookie mom. My 1st year was when the pandemic hit and i manage to get 350 boxes of cookies sold out of my van and via facebook because our booth has to be shut down cus of covid. Skipped a year being cookie mom due to being pregnant with triplet boys. Now my boys are 10 months old and i signed up for cookie mom. However i’m cookie mom to not 1 or 2 but 3 troops. yes i said it 3 troops. i have over 50 girls total to work with. im using you plan as much as i can as its worked before. however i have stickers im placing on boxes when i pick them up. Each troop has their own color so i can easily sort each troop cookies when unloading the Uhaul. My favorite part is the organizing of all the cookies and the cookie booths. i can not wait we have few days till end of sale and then i wait the few weeks till cookies are in. wish me luck and my my 3 daughters help out keeping the triplets happy while i sort

    1. Wow! Hats off to you for taking on so many troops and girls. That’s impressive. I’m so glad these tips help you! And yes, when you’re picking up for multiple troops, the stickers are a great idea!

  6. Thank you so much for all of these tips and printables. I use your organization sheet every season. This year, the LBB sheet has the thin mints listed twice, while the s’mores are gone. We still have the s’mores with LBB. Is there a way I can update the downloaded sheet?

    1. Oh my word! I don’t know how I did that. Apparently I have Thin Mints on the brain. I updated this, and it now includes all the correct cookies for this year – and Thin Mints only once. Thank you for letting me know!

      1. You are welcome! I’m so glad this has been helpful to you. And thank you again for pointing out my miss so I could fix it for you and for everyone else 🙂

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