I was a Shaklee blogger where I received free product for six months in exchange for sharing my thoughts along the way. After six months, I have real world Shaklee results.
And I admit that I was surprised at the changes over six months. Day to day, it doesn’t seem like much, but wow it added up.
In addition to following the Shaklee plan, I also focused on working out at the gym with cardio and strength training classes four to five times a week. Both had an impact.
In the past, just working out causes my body to gain weight, though it gets toned. Paired with the Shaklee meal plan, I got results.
I’ve definitely made progress. I’m not 100% there yet, but I’m really, really close.
In fact, I’m closer to my goal of being able to wear a bikini (though I’m not sure I have the confidence to pull it off regardless) than I have been in years, and that includes having gone out of town four times during my Shaklee journey, two of those weeks being in Puerto Rico and on a cruise.
Without Shaklee there to support me while on vacation, I can only imagine what would have happened. My mom gained five pounds on that two week jaunt, and my husband gained six. I gained nothing.
Real World Shaklee Results After Six Months
The official results?
I still have a couple stubborn pounds to go, but I’m really, really close. I think there’s no question that when you have 10, 15 or 20 pounds to lose, it’s much harder to lose weight consistently each week than it is when you have more weight to lose.
My body especially just seems to be afraid to let go of those last few pockets of chub in case famine suddenly hits. Tempting as it was sometimes to give up when I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted now, I stuck with it, and I’m glad I did.
I learned not to focus on what I was doing wrong or what wasn’t working but on all the things that I was doing that were moving me in the right direction, and that helped keep me motivated.
What Shaklee Program Did I Follow?
I use the Shaklee 180 Turnaround Kit for six months. This includes shakes, meal replacement bars, snack bars, a metabolic booster, and an energizing tea.
I enjoyed a shake or meal bar for two meals a day and had a sensible meal as my third. I also had one to two snack bars a day, depending on my activity level.
Based on the calories I burned each day, I changed the quantity of the food I ate to ensure I didn’t eat too much or too little. A food tracker helped me at the start, though after I adjusted to the new plan, I used it less.
For the first few months, I also measured my food. Four ounces of chicken isn’t what you expect, nor is a cup of strawberries.
Use a scale and volume measuring devices until you and your body know what a serving is. I learned quickly that it’s far too easy to estimate incorrectly.
Why Did I Choose the Shaklee Turnaround Program?
I started my journey to become more fit at the beginning of this year. Initially that was my goal, and honestly, that’s the most important thing you can do for yourself.
If you’re strong and in shape, you may not be your ideal body weight, but you’re making a huge step in staying healthy long-term. When I become a Shaklee Blogger, I admitted that maybe somewhere deep inside, I have a larger goal, something more than just wanting to be fit.
Of course, I started the program out with a sprained foot, literally within days of the launch of the Shaklee blogger program that made it difficult for me to push as hard as I wanted to with the fitness classes I was taking. I still attended the circuit training and cardio kickboxing classes, but it wasn’t quite the same intensity or effect.
It did prove to me that just because you have an injury, you don’t have an excuse to sit around and do nothing. There’s always some effort you can make.
Whether or not my Shaklee results mean I look exactly as I want to as fast as I want to isn’t where I need to focus. It’s not a fourteen day change, and sometimes six months seemed like a long time as I had to fight to keep from turning my focus to negativity.
Persistence really is the key to any goal, and weight loss is no different. When I traveled in March, it was tempting to leave my Shaklee products at home and just eat and drink and enjoy myself like everyone around me. That would have put me back so far, however, and instead I found a solution that worked for me that allowed me to stay on my diet while I was on vacation.
Is it Hard to Follow the Shaklee Program?
Part of what makes the Shaklee program easy to stick to is that I actually enjoy the product. I have no issue with drinking two smoothies every day, which I do during the weight loss portion of the Shaklee program.
My Vitamix worked perfectly to blend up all sorts of treats that I enjoyed, which also kept a variety in what I was eating. I didn’t feel like I was stuck in some monotonous loop where I got tired of my food.
I made shakes with flavors ranging from peach cobbler (my all time favorite) to Nutella to choco-cherry and more. Shaklee offers tons of shake recipes!
In just about every smoothie, I add a big handful of spinach, so in addition to the protein, vitamins, and minerals in the nonGMO shake I’m drinking, I also get a couple servings of fruits and veggies, which is always my challenge. That’s one of the big learnings I had from Shaklee, and even after I’m no longer an official Shaklee blogger, I plan to continue to have a smoothie a day simply because I enjoy them.
How Does It Feel to Follow this Weight Loss Program for Six Months?
So after six months of sticking to the program, I sometimes felt like I wasn’t accomplishing my goals. I worried whether I would have the Shaklee results I wanted and I saw others achieve.
By mid-May, a little over two months into the program, I had lost eleven pounds and was feeling stuck and frustrated. Things just weren’t moving, but so much of that is because I look at myself every day, and I focus on one thing – the scale.
When I actually took a look at what my friends were saying to me about how I was changing and looked in the mirror, I was amazed and so proud of what I saw. Sometimes we need that reminder to step back and change our perspective, and that makes all the difference in the world.
One day, that just clicked with me. I realized that I hadn’t gained this weight in a matter of two or three weeks or even two or three years.
Why I expected to have it all just melt away in a short time period, I’m not quite sure. No, it won’t take me anywhere near as long to lose the weight as it did to gain it, but it’s still a process not some fairy godmother coming to wave a wand in my direction.
Every time I got frustrated, that was the mental reminder I gave myself, and it helped a lot.
What Else Should I Do to Help Lose Weight Using the Shaklee Program?
As I mentioned, regular exercise remains a critical piece of the program. Had I not spent an hour or so in the gym four to five days a week, I would not have lost the weight nor inches the way I did.
And I’ll admit that as much as I followed the Shakee program, I know there is more that I can and could do to help increase my fitness, lose more weight, and stay healthy.
One of my biggest challenges is sleep. I know how much sleep impacts metabolism and more, but even last night, I was up until after 2am unable to fall asleep.
When I get only five or six hours of sleep a night, it’s rough. My body is already not operating efficiently. I’m tired so I don’t want to work as hard when I’m exercising.
The worst part though is that, no, I’m not always making the smartest choices when I’m sleep deprived. That’s something I need to continue to work on, but being aware of it helps.
And those bad choices? It helps when I don’t push my willpower all day long.
I only have so much of it, and I need to continue to be smart in how I use that limited resource. But when I do make bad choices in what I eat or how I exercise, I can’t let that define me.
It doesn’t make me a bad person; I simply need to learn from the experience and move forward, making better choices.
What About the Reaction of Friends to the Shaklee Program?
One thing that was really hard for me during the program was dealing with the reaction of other people over the course of the six months. Interestingly, there were two diametrically opposed perspectives that I heard from friends.
Either they would compliment me on how great I looked and how they could tell I lost a lot of weight or they would express concern that I was developing an eating disorder by following the Shaklee plan (I’m not).
I didn’t deal well with compliments for a long time, and I’m still working on simply smiling and saying thank you, explaining a little about the Shaklee program and how it’s worked for me.
The eating disorder part is what really got me though. I’m not depriving myself, and I’m not cutting calories to a dangerous level – I ingest about 1,300 each day.
We all make choices about what we will and won’t eat every day. If I know I’m going to be having a celebratory dinner, I’m definitely going to skip a big, calorie laden lunch.
That’s making smart choices and something we all need to do every day, not a sign that I’m developing an eating disorder. That isn’t to minimize the dangers of focusing completely on dieting and weight loss where people can develop eating disorders, but part of Shaklee is being smart about what you eat and retraining yourself.
This is where you need to use both the Turnaround Kit to lose weight and the Lean and Healthy Kit to maintain the weight loss for three months so that you continue to make smart choices. I really learned to listen to my body over the past six months, and that skill will serve me well for years to come.
What Does Six Month Shaklee Results Really Look Like?
Did I feel like in the six months there was an amazing change? Nope.
But when I started looking at my before and after photos side by side, I just sat there staring. There really is a difference.
A significant difference. My Shaklee results shocked me.
No wonder I need that friend to come over next week to figure out what works and what needs to get out of my closet!
One thing that may stick around next week? I bought a dress back in March that I really liked.
I just didn’t like me in it because it was a bit too lumpy. This is me in it now without any special support.
The vast majority of those nasty lumps and bumps are gone. Give me a little Spanx, and I think I have a great new dress!
I can’t believe it’s over, but I’m so proud of myself and my Shaklee results. The Shaklee Turnaround program works.
you look great!!!! congrats
You look great! So glad you had success with this program! 🙂